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Fundamental Concepts of Aetherometry

Aetherometry, the exact science of the metrics of massfree energy (Aether), is a novel biophysical and nanometric science, or scientific discipline, developed by Dr. Paulo N. Correa and Alexandra N. Correa as a synthesis of experimental and analytical work that replicated, revised and continued the scientific contributions of Nikola Tesla, Louis de Broglie, Wilhelm Reich (orgonomy, orgonometry), René Thom (catastrophe theory) and Harold Aspden. Its object of study is massfree energy.

Massfree energy

Massfree energy is energy devoid of inertia; it is everywhere 'present in space' or associated with various states of motion of material particles or bodies. In a wide sense, massfree energy encompasses Aether manifestations, as well as photon and kinetic energy states. The primordial or Aether manifestations of massfree energy include graviton and antigraviton states affected to matter or its particles, and, more profoundly, the cosmological manifestations of dark energy, in both electric and nonelectric forms, which are associated with the cosmological creation of material particles.

Aetherometry proposes that the world of Matter relates solely, in a strict sense, to the electromagnetic and inertial properties of mass-energy particles, and that even the motion of material or mass-carrying particles or bodies results from the interaction of mass-energy with massfree energy. However, its object of study is not, per se, massfree energy in states that are directly dependent on mass, such as the transient kinetic energy of massbound particles or the electromagnetic energy of blackbody photons. Rather, the primary focus of Aetherometry is the study of massfree energy in nonelectromagnetic forms.

Graviton energy

Gravitons are transient, nonelectromagnetic massfree energy particles whose impulse (gravitational momentum) is anchored to the mass-energy of particles of Matter, but which are emitted from the local Aether medium (formed by the constant and ordered flux of dark massfree energy and cosmological lepton lattices). Both gravitons and antigravitons may also be formed and seated in the composite lattices composing the local Aether medium. Gravitons anchored to mass-energy particles are described mathematically and physically as being in a relationship of secondary superimposition with that mass-energy.

Besides gravitons, Aetherometry has demonstrated the existence of primordial or primary manifestations of massfree energy in both electric and nonelectric forms, also referred to as 'dark massfree energy'.

Ambipolar massfree energy (Orgone and DOR), aka Tesla radiation

Electric massfree energy consists of ambipolar charges that are devoid of inertial effects and propagate longitudinally. In contrast to the monopolar charges (electrons, protons) that characterize ordinary massbound electricity, ambipolar charges continuously alternate between polar states, or, to say it more accurately, constantly vary their polarity during forward propagation. Ambipolar electricity is a massfree phenomenon. Field capture of ambipolar energy by massbound (monopolar) charges results in their acceleration; deceleration of the same massbound charges results in the local production of blackbody photons. The Correas have published the cosmic spectrum of ambipolar radiation and the corresponding blackbody spectra emitted from electrons and protons, providing exact new equations that profoundly alter the conventional theory of electromagnetism. They have also demonstrated how the continuous ambipolar spectrum contains two biologically and physically distinct regions that correspond to W. Reich's distinction between orgone (OR) energy and DOR (dorgone or deadly orgone). The cutoff between OR and DOR occurs at 79.4 keV. This is a strictly aetherometric discovery.

Latent heat or latent massfree energy

Nonelectric massfree energy exists in both unbound and massbound states. In massbound states, it is responsible for the energy of state of molecular phases, the intrinsic energy of gases, specific latent heats, most of the atmospheric energy, and the noncovalent bond energies exploited by all living systems. Its generic designation is molecular latent heat. In unbound states, massfree latent energy is responsible for the cosmological creation of space and the direction (diachronism) and synchronicity of absolute Time. The superimposition of unbound massfree latent energy yields what is physically and mathematically designated as the phase energy which permits the creation of mass-energy and associated gravitons (*secondary superimposition*). Thus, Aetherometry affirms that all mass-energy is a transient construct of the phase superimposition of latent massfree energy, the composite effect of Aether energy units.

Blackbody radiation is composed of nonionizing thermal, optical and supra-optical 'electromagnetic' (photon) radiation, forming what is called radiative (sensible) heat. Ambipolar orgone radiation indirectly gives rise (through the 'medium' of electrons) to blackbody radiation having wavelengths greater than 300 nanometers. Ambipolar DOR radiation indirectly gives rise to blackbody (Hallwacks) photons in the UVB and UV-C ranges, up to the shortest 47nm blackbody radiation (end of the blackbody spectrum).

Note that sensible heat, unlike latent heat, is composed of thermal drift kinetons (molecular heat) and blackbody photons (radiative heat)

Photons (ionizing or nonionizing), 'kinetons', gravitons, ambipolar charges and particles or units of latent massfree energy are all massfree particles associated with specific physical interactions or manifestations. The demonstration of these particles' existence, and the proposed new model and mathematical formalism (see Aetherometric Microfunctional Transformative Algebra below) that address their specific properties, have been extracted from a nexus of systematic and diverse experimental investigations into physical and biological systems, gathered under the rubrics of Experimental Aetherometry, Aetherometric Biology, and The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS).

Experimental Aetherometry

See the article Experimental Aetherometry.

Aetherometric Technologies

See the article Aetherometric Technologies.

Aetherometric Biology

See the article Aetherometric Biology.

Aetherometric Theory: a Microfunctional Transformative Algebra

See the article Aetherometric Mathematics

Aetherometric Physics (or The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity, AToS)

See the article Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity

Aetherometric Natural Philosophy

See the article Aetherometric Natural Philosophy


© Malgosia Askanas, 2005. All rights reserved.


Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, Experimental Aetherometry, Akronos Publishing, Toronto, Canada

Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics, Vol 1: Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, Toronto, Canada

http://www.aetherometry.com/milestones.html Summary of fundamental aetherometric discoveries

http://www.aetherometry.com/publications.html Up-to-date list of publications pertaining to the work of the Correas

References by others to work by the Correas in Aetherometry, including plasma physics

1. Aspden, H (1995) "Energy from a cold-cathode discharge: a 30-year saga", NEN, 12:6.

2. Aspden, H (1995) "Canadian Breakthrough on the One (Kilo)watt challenge", Electrifying Times, 12:25.

3. Aspden, H (1996) "Power from Space: the Correa Invention", Energy Science Report No.8, Sabberton Publications, Southampton, England.

4. Carrell, M (1996) "An Overview of the Correa Invention", Infinite Energy, 8(3):10-15.

5. Carrell, M (1996) "The Correa PAGD Reactor: errata and supplement", Infinite Energy, 9(4):33-34.

6. Aspden, H (1996) "Opinion on Correa Invention: Energy Conversion System", presented to IAI, web-published by Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

7. Mallove, E (1996) "Cheap Electricity Now!", Infinite Energy, 7:3-4.

8. Mallove, E (1996) "The Third International Symposium on New Energy - ISNE3, Denver, Colorado April 25-28, 1996", Infinite Energy, 7:14-16.

9. Gruber, J (1996) "Bislang šffentlich vorgefźhrte RET-GerŠte (Auswahl)", Contacte - WissenschaftsMagazin der FernUniversität, p.41.

10. Aspden, H (1996) "Free-Energy" as seen on British TV", NEN, 2:10.

11. Aspden, H (1996) "Space Energy Blows NASA's fuse", NEN, 3:1.

12. Aspden, H (1996) "Vacuum Spin as a New Energy Source", Proc.s Int. Symp. on New Energy, pp. 1.

13. Aspden, H (1996) "Aether Science Papers", Sabberton Publications, Southampton, England.

14. Aspden, H (1996) "The Contemporary Aether", Proc.s Int. Conf. on Descartes and Scientific Thought, Perugia, Italy, September 4-7.

15. Aspden, H (1996) "The Reality of Perpetual Motion", Infinite Energy, 8:15.

16. Fox, H (1996) "Three Energy Technologies for the Twenty First Century", NEN, 1:1.

17. King, MB (1996) "Plasma Tube coheres ZPE", NEN, 4:8.

18. King, MB (1996) "The Supertube", Proc.s Int. Symp. on New Energy, pp. 200- 221. Reprinted in Infinite Energy, 8:23.

19. Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter, 8(4)6.

20. Bahman, W (1998) "Auskopplung von €therenergie durch Plasma-Entladung", NET-Journal, 9/10:17.

21. Sapogin, LG (1998) "The theory of excess energy in a PAGD reactor (Correa reactor) ", Infinite Energy, 20:48.

22. Minchrowski, A (2000) "The Correa device", PACE, 11(1&2):31.

23. King, MB (2000) "Transforming the planet with a Zero-Point Energy experiment", Infinite Energy, 34:51.

24. Tiller, W. A (2001) "Some Reflections on Gas Discharges and PAGD Pulses", Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

25. Mallove, E (2001) "First Open Letter of Support", June 14th, 2001, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

26. Mallove, E (2001) "Breaking Through: A Bombshell in Science", Infinite Energy, 37:6.

27. Mallove, E (2001) "The mysteries and myths of heat: a brief history of hot and cold", Infinite Energy, 37:9.

28. Mallove, E (2001) "The Einstein Myths: of Space, Time and Aether", Infinite Energy, 38:6.

29. Mallove, E (2001) "Breaking Through: Aether Science and Technology", Infinite Energy, 39:6.

30. Aspden, H (2001) "Gravity and its thermal anomaly: was the Reich-Einstein experiment evidence of energy inflow from the aether?", Infinite Energy, 41:61.

31. Mallove, E (2002) "Demonstrating Aether Energy", Infinite Energy, 41:6.

32. Axelrad, A (2002) "PAGD, Aether Motors, and Free Energy", Open Letter of Support, April 3rd, 2002, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

33. Mallove, E (2002) "Second Open Letter of Support", February 22nd, 2002, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

34. Mallove, E (2002) "The Correas: An Appreciation of Their Science and Technology", Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

35. Bearden, T (2002) "Energy from the vacuum", Cheniere Press, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 321-323, 333-337.

36. Aspden, H (2003) Introduction to the DVD "From Pulsed Plasma Power to the Aether Motor", Aethera, NH, USA.

37. Mallove, E (2003) Introduction to the DVD "From Pulsed Plasma Power to the Aether Motor", Aethera, NH, USA.

38. Mallove, E (2004) "The 'New' Solar Power", Infinite Energy, 53:6.

39. Askanas, M (2004) "The Making of the Difference: A review of Dr. Paulo and Alexandra Correa's Experimental Aetherometry", Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

40. Mallove, E (2004) Introduction to Nanometric functions of bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, University of Toronto Press, Concord, ON, Canada.

41. Mallove, E (2004) Review of Nanometric functions of bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

42. Brinton, H. (2005) Review of Nanometric functions of bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

43. Pratt, D. (2005) Review of Nanometric functions of bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

44. Tilley, M. (2005) Review of Nanometric functions of bioenergy, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.

45. Pratt, D (2005) Aetherometry & Gravity: an Introduction, Akronos Publishing, Concord, ON, Canada.